Do You Believe In Destiny?
After remembering many past lives and learning from wise ones, I feel strongly that when we are in spirit, we co-create our next life with the other characters who will play parts in that life.
We all carry a strong soul purpose, and we arrive with that knowing inside. As our lives unfold, we experience many Earthly things, including love, pain, joy, sorrow and grief. How we respond to our Earth events is our choice. We create our reality according to those choices. There’s no right or wrong. It’s all just experience to help us grow and evolve.
When our destiny events show themselves, even though we agreed to those possibilities, we can say, “No thanks, not this time,” and travel a different road. We always get to reevaluate as we come in and out of spirit. However, there is a strong pull to accept our destiny cards. It’s all up to you.
Be easy with yourself. Be kind and gentle with you first. We are experiencing difficult times on planet Earth, and we all chose to be here together to help usher in a new, beautiful era.