The Ancients
The Ancients Those Who Remembered
The ancients were those humans who left us no written record of their lives, yet their artifacts and images reveal civilizations that loved the earth and treated her as a conscious being with a soul and a spirit. To them, the earth was a divine intelligence, and all of life originated from Her.
This is the Gaia hypothesis. Our early ancestors lived in awe of this planet.
They knew the importance of the position of the stars, the magic of the rainbow, the meaning of numbers, and the importance of relationships with the elements, plants, and animal allies.
Nature-based people have always believed that all of life is interconnected. When we turn to the ancient teachings, we have a bridge to a more nurturing and balanced way of relating to the earth and her creature. Our ancestors lived in a way that supported and sustained all lifeon Earth.
Listen to this guided meditation below and experience the Ancient Echos that speak within you.