You and the New Consciousness
Are you experiencing stress and overload as the world, or the illusion of the world through media coverage, pushes and challenges you as never before?
Remember the fear, panic, trauma and tragedy you are witnessing is third dimensional reality. While it’s real, it’s only one part of the story. What isn’t visible by the five senses is far more powerful.
The unseen beings of love, light and magnificence are lifting this world to a new joyful reality beyond your imagination. That is the true power. Align with it. Believe, trust and become the new consciousness that you were born to help herald in. In your many lives, you have been trained for now!
When it’s too much for your human self, freeze the frame, stop and put it all on pause. Place your hands on your heart and breath into the heart for a minute or more. Express appreciation for the smallest thing, anything. Bask in this enchanted, blissful space of you connected with All.
Meet you in the Heart,
Love and Blessings,
Sue & Hemitra
Thank you, Heart Math Institute for the exercise.